Saturday, January 5, 2019

4.8 describe how to prepare insoluble salts using precipitation reactions
Select two soluble salts (see Section 4.6) that will make the insoluble salt when combined (by “swapping partners”), e.g., silver nitrate and sodium chloride could be used to make silver chloride, which is an insoluble salt. (This will also make a solution of sodium nitrate from which the solid must be separated).

1)   Mix approximately equal volumes of each solution (use measuring cylinders)
2)   Filter off the solid precipitate formed (stays in the filter paper as the residue)
3)   Wash the solid in the filter paper with distilled water over to remove any traces of the other product or original solutions, so that the salt will be pure once it is dried.
4)   Transfer the solid to a warm drying oven, or leave to dry on a window sill, so the water can evaporate, leaving the dry solid product.

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