Saturday, January 5, 2019

Group 1 elements: lithium, sodium & potassium

2.6    describe the reactions of these elements with water and understand that the reactions provide a basis for their recognition as a family of elements
All the Alkali Metals react in a similar way with water, producing hydrogen gas and a solution of the metal hydroxide, which is strongly alkaline (pH around 14).

Metal floats and moves around, but does not melt.
Bubbles of hydrogen gas are seen (steady fizzing / effervescence)
The metal gets smaller and smaller and eventually disappears
A colourless, alkaline solution of lithium hydroxide is left.
Metal floats and moves around rapidly, forming a molten sphere
A white trail is left behind where the metal has been
Bubbles of hydrogen gas are seen (rapid fizzing / effervescence)
The metal gets smaller and smaller and eventually disappears
A colourless, alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide is left.
Metal floats, melts and whizzes around rapidly
The hydrogen gas is given off very rapidly and burns with a lilac flame
Metal often explodes
A colourless, alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide is left.

Example equation:        sodium  +  water   ®  sodium hydroxide  +  hydrogen

2Na(s)  +  2H2O(l) ®   2NaOH(aq)   +   H2(g)
Try to remember that it’s the metal HYDROXIDE that forms (not the metal oxide).

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